In May, I'll be running my FIRST and SECOND "official" marathons... with a whole bunch of marathons in between! From Fredericton, New Brunswick, to Ottawa, Ontario, in fact. (around 1,200 km)
Running has taken me all over the world. From ultramarathons on five continents, in some of the toughest races on earth, to the 900 km long Bruce Trail right here in Ontario, Canada. It helped me get through Cancer... And it's taught me more lessons that I can count. Really, it's not even about the running anymore. It's about challenge. It's about adventure. It's about connection.
That's why on May 8th, I'll run the Fredericton Marathon, then I'll just keep running until I get to Ottawa, so I can participate in the Ottawa Marathon on the 29th!

In my travels and adventures, I've met lots of amazing, inspirational folks, and I've come to realize that everyone has a story. Every place has a story. My goal for this run is to interview, photograph, and document some of the people I meet, and places I run through, so that I can then share them with the world via social media. We like to be inspired. We like to feel connected. This is my way of connecting, not only races and runners, but people from all walks of life and their stories.

Once we get to Ottawa, we'll be met by lots of family and friends, including many of my amazing crew, the RunNinjas, who will be making the trek out to run at the Ottawa Marathon. #RunNinjas #crewlove
And please follow me on my Instagram page to be part of the journey, and see my daily posts!